Feeling Like a Dickens-head!

on Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Unless you've been living under a rock in a cave in a vast ocean on one of the minor planets of a distant solar system from a hitherto unknown galaxy, you will certainly have heard that this year is the bicentenary of the man often considered to be the greatest English novelist of all time, Charles Dickens. Caught up as I have been in all the hoopla, it dawned on me yesterday that despite seeing several stage and film versions of Oliver Twist (plus having "Where Is Love" on repeat on my iPod), suffering through numerous other adaptations of his works, acquiring a first edition of Our Mutual friend, and even moving into a house in Dickens Street, I have never actually read a Charles Dickens novel.

So I guess I'd better add one last aspiration to my New Year's list. The only question, which one?

Over to you fellow litnerds. Tell me which of the great man's books I'm most likely to love. Don't let me continue to live as a disgrace to my own address!


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